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How It Works

Activity matrix will be show on the dashboard in the web client and in the additional tabs (pane) section in the desktop client. The matrix is built based on companys' classification- and potential option fields in the database. The classification options constitute to the rows of the matrix and the potential options constitute to the columns of the matrix.

The size of the matrix in the desktop client is based on how many potential- and classification options that exist in the database. The size of the matrix in the web client is based on how much space you give it in the Start Page grid (yes this is customizable!), read more about how you configure that here.


There are several settings to adjust in order to populate the matrix with data:

  • Coworker

    Which coworkers to show activities for.

  • Filter (only available in web client)

    Filter on which coworkers that should be possible to choose between.

  • History type

    Which type of history activities that is of interest.

  • From

    Filter on activities that are created after this date.

  • To

    Filter on activities that are created before this date.

When all settings are chosen, the matrix will be populated based on the chosen settings.

Click on an Element in Matrix

If you hover on one element in the desktop client (click on one element in web client), you will get an overview that shows how many companies the activities is spread between. It is also possible to display those companies in the table view by click on the element.